Press releases

As of today, Bosnia and Hercegovina is a member of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism


As of today, Bosnia and Herzegovina is a full member of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. This important agreement was signed today in Sarajevo by the BiH Minister of Security, Selmo Cikotić, and the EU Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič.

By signing of the Agreement between BiH and the EU on membership in the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, the civil protection becomes another segment of the BiH security system being adjoined to the European associations.

“Everyone in Bosnia and Herzegovina worked hard so to fulfil all the requirements and get Bosnia and Herzegovina’s membership in the Mechanism. I am sure that the institutions in BiH competent for civil protection will continue to work and cooperate successfully with the other members of the Mechanism, and demonstrate reliability in implementation of the protection and rescue activities”, Minister Cikotić said.

As of today, our country is a part of community, which, in addition to the 27 EU members, also includes Iceland, Montenegro, Norway, Serbia, North Macedonia and Turkey.

Commissioner Lenarčič pointed out that the signing of this agreement is a proof how will and shown interest enable quick and efficient performance. He emphasized that the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is a symbol of solidarity and mutual assistance between the EU members, members of the Mechanism, and even the third countries.

“With full membership, BiH becomes an equal participant in the Mechanism, which can receive and provide assistance to the others”, Lenarčić added.