Press releases

Minister Cikotic at the Migration Conference in Vienna - International cooperation and partnerships are essential in resolving migration crises - Agreement on Protection of Classified Information signed between BiH and Hungary


Minister of Security of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Selmo Cikotić, participated today in the Migration Conference in Vienna, organized by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD). A key topic of this year's conference is related to achievement of better cooperation and results in migration management on the routes to Europe. The conference is attended by ministers, police directors and high-ranking officials from all over the world.

It was assessed that due to the crisis in Afghanistan and already existing trends in migration, a joint dialogue and action are more urgent and necessary than ever. It was also concluded that international cooperation and strengthening partnerships is a key condition for effectively resolving current and future migration crises.

Minister Cikotic participated in a panel with the Minister of Migration and Asylum of Greece Notis Mitarachi, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary Peter Szijjart. As representatives of the three key countries on the Western Balkans route, they gave their vision for improving cooperation on these routes and in the wider region.

In their address, the focus was on how governments in the region can better cooperate in managing current challenges and future crises.

On the sidelines of the conference, Minister Cikotic had several bilateral meetings with representatives of other countries and organizations. A bilateral meeting was held with the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of Hungary, Peter Szijjart. The Agreement between the Council of Ministers of BiH and the Government of Hungary on the Protection of Classified Information was signed on that occasion.

" Bosnia and Herzegovina and Hungary confirm the importance of mutual cooperation and joint application of security principles for classified information protection, thus strengthening the interests and security of our countries. The Agreement on Protection of Classified Information enables even more successful cooperation between the competent National Security Authorities as well as Governments of both countries ", pointed out Minister Cikotic.