Information for Foreigners









Crossing the state border


An alien may cross the state border of Bosnia and Herzegovina with a valid travel document only at border crossings open for international traffic, and within their working hours.


The first day of an alien’s stay on the BiH territories is considered as the “date of entry”, whereas the “date of exit” is the last day of his/her stay on the BiH territory – Article 15 of the Law on Aliens.


For detailed information on the border crossings, please visit the official website of the BiH Border Police:



Travel documents


An alien may enter BiH if he/she possess a valid passport or other identification document that may be used for entering BiH, provided that:


-          it is valid for at least three months longer than the intended date of departure from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and

-          it was issued within past ten years or is a document of permanent validity.      


Other requirements for entry into BiH are available here – Article 19 of the Law on Aliens.

Additional to a travel document, the nationals of the following countries are entitled to use a valid ID card for entry, exit, transit or stay on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina for a total period not exceeding ninety (90) days during any period within 180 days, where the 180 day period shall refer to the period preceding each day of stay:


-          Member States of the European Union,

-          Countries Signatories to the Schengen Agreement, and

-          Andorra, Albania, Montenegro, Liechtenstein, Monaco, San Marino, Serbia, Vatican and the Swiss Confederation.


Entry Visa Regime


To enter BiH, aliens arriving from the countries having a visa regime with BiH are required to possess the following:


-      a valid visa for entry, stay or exit from the country, the validity of which does not expire on the date of entry to BiH, or

-      a residence permit in BiH.


Short-Stay Visa – Visa C


Short-Stay Visa (Visa C) enables alien’s transit as well as one or multiple entries or stays in BiH. Uninterrupted stays or the total duration of consecutive stays in BiH may not exceed 90 days during any period within 180 days.


A Short-Stay Visa is issued for a period not exceeding one year though may be issued with validity of up to five years under the terms of Article 29 (3) of the Law on Aliens.


A Short-Stay Visa is issued for: business, education, training and similar purposes; tourist or other private travels; political, scientific, cultural, sports, religious or other events; as well as other travels requiring a short-term stay.


A Short-Stay Visa (Visa C) does not provide a ground to apply for temporary residence in BiH.


Long-Stay Visa – Visa D


Long-Stay Visa (Visa D) enables alien’s entry and stay in BiH within the period of up to 180 days within a year, and does provide a ground for applying for temporary residence in BiH.


A Long-Stay Visa is issued for a period not exceeding one year for situations requiring the stay in BiH over 90 days within the period of 180 days.


Airport Transit Visa – Visa A

Airport Transit Visa (Visa A) enables alien’s pass through an international transit area of an airport without an actual entry to the country, due to discontinuation or continuation of an international flight. 


Requirements for issuance of the visa are available here – Articles 31 and 32 of the Law on Aliens.

Information on requirements and procedures relating to the visa issuance are available at:

Visa issuance at the border


In exceptional cases caused by reasons of national security of BiH, humanitarian reasons, serious professional or personal reasons, the BiH Border Police is entitled to issue a short-stay visa for a single entry for up to 15 days (Visa C) or an airport transit visa (Visa A) at the border.

A visa may be issued at the border only if an alien:

-          meets general requirements for entry to BiH under Article 19 (1) and (3) of the Law on Aliens,

-          proves that he/she was not able to pre-apply for a visa, and

-          presents one or more documents to evidence the unpredictable and imperative reason(s) for entry into BiH as well as to guarantee a return to his/her country of origin or habitual residence.


Details on visa issuance at the border are available here – Article 14 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.

Detailed information on visa extension are available here – Article 36 of the Law on Aliens and Article 20 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An administrative fee in amount of 100 BAM is to be paid for issuance of visa at the border.


An administrative fee in amount of 100 BAM is to be paid for extension of visa in the country.

Visas may be issued at the following international border crossing points: Airports of Sarajevo, Banja Luka, Tuzla and Mostar; as well as at the land border crossings of: Orašje, Gradiška, Izačić, Kamensko, Gorica, Bijača, Brod, Rača, Karakaj, Hum and Klobuk.

Aforementioned border crossing are working 24/7. For more information, please consult the BiH Border Police’s website:


Refusal, cancellation and annulment of a visa


Details on refusal of visa issuance are available here – Article 37 of the Law on Aliens.


Information on refusal of visa issuance at the border is available here – Article 37 of the Law on Aliens as well as Article 19 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


Information on cancellation and annulment of a visa is available here – Articles 38 and 39 of the Law on Aliens as well as Article 21 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens        



Visa-free entry


Nationals of the countries enlisted in Article 2 of the Decision on Visas are exempt from the requirement to obtain a visa for BiH.


Aliens exempt from the visa requirement are entitled to enter and stay in BiH up to 90 days within a 180-day period which precedes each day of stay, unless otherwise determined by an international agreement to which BiH is a party.


For nationals of countries under Article 3 and Article 22 of the Decision on Visas, a visa free entry is regulated by an international agreement.



Visa-free regime in the case of possession of a multiple-entry Schengen visa or residence permit in the Schengen or EU countries


Nationals of the countries with whom BiH has a visa regime, may enter the BiH with their passports without the obligation to obtain a visa for entry, exit, transit and stay on the territory of BiH, provided they hold a valid multiple visa or residence permit issued in the Schengen, EU countries, or in the United States of America.

In these cases, a total stay in BiH may not exceed 90 days in any period of time within the 180-day , with the possibility of a continuous stay in BiH no longer than 30 days and within the validity of the visa or residence permit issued in the Schengen, EU countries or in the United States of America.  


Means of subsistence

An alien is to possess sufficient means of subsistence during his/her intended stay and exit from BiH, including the means for the health care.


Existence of means of subsistence is evidenced by:


-          possession of cash in national or foreign convertible currency;

-          possession of any form of non-cash payment means recognized by the BiH banking system or means enabling withdrawal of money in BiH, or a guarantee of a bank from BiH, which accepts the non-cash payment means possessed by the alien;

-          a Letter of Invitation;

-          possession of evidence on paid accommodation or organized travel; or 

-          possession of other assets, such as: immovable property in BiH based on which it is possible to secure the means of subsistence during his/her stay in BiH; funds arising from direct foreign investments, manufacturing and technical cooperation, etc. 


A minimum amount of means that an alien is to possess while entering as well as while leaving BiH is 150 BAM or its equivalent in foreign convertible currency, which is required for his/her subsistence and health care for each day of intended stay.


If an alien possesses evidence on paid individual or collective travel health care insurance, he/she is considered to be in possession of the resources for the health care.


An alien holding a work permit in BiH is considered to have met the requirements regarding the possession of means of subsistence.



Letter of Invitation

A Letter of Invitation for entry into BiH may be issued by:


-          a BiH citizen or

-          an alien granted permanent residence in BiH or

-          an alien with the diplomatic status in Bosnia and Herzegovina or

-          a national or international legal person registered in BiH.


In exceptional situations, a Letter of Invitation for the purpose of family reunification or visit may be issued by:


-          an alien granted temporary residence in BiH on grounds of the Blue Card;

-          an alien granted temporary residence in BiH for at least a year with reasonable chances for being granted permanent residence in BiH; or

-          an alien with recognised refugee status.


An alien granted temporary residence for a period not exceeding one year may issue a letter of invitation solely for the purpose of a visit.


Letter of invitation is valid for maximum of 180 days from the date of its verification.


Verification of a Letter of Invitation is charged with an administrative fee of 50 BAM to an inviter being a legal person, whereas if an inviter is a physical person - the administrative fee is 20 BAM.


Information on documents to support an application for verification of the letter of invitation is available in Article 11 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


Documentation enclosed to an application for verification of the letter of invitation would be submitted in original or its certified copy. Documents written in a foreign language or script are to be submitted with their accompanying translations to one of the official languages ​​in BiH.


Application forms for verification of the Letter of Invitation: Form 2, Form 3, Form 4, and Form 5.


Entry of minors to BiH


An alien under 14 years of age holding a personal travel document may cross the BiH border if accompanied by one or both parents, a legal representative or guardian, or a person authorized to accompany the minor by a power of attorney that was signed and certified by the parents, legal representative or guardian. A minor travelling unaccompanied is to possess a notarized consent of parents, a legal representative or a guardian.


A consent or a power of attorney is to contain:


-          personal data of both the minor and his/her legal representative or guardian,

-          personal data on the minor’s companion if the minor is travelling with an escort,

-          purpose and length of stay in BiH,

-          validity period of the issued consent or authorization, and

-          signature of the consent/authorization giver.


This document is to be in one of the languages ​​in official use in BiH or in English with accompanying translation to one of official languages ​​in BiH verified by a certified court interpreter.


 A minor is considered to have a consent of a legal representative:


-          if travelling by airplane - he/she possesses a letter of transmittal for minors issued by an aircraft operator,

-          if on a school excursion - he/she is found on the List of Excursion Participants that is certified by the relevant educational institution, or

-          if to attend a sport, cultural or similar event - he/she is found on the List of Participants.



Temporary residence may be granted on the following grounds:


-          family reunification,

-          education,

-          humanitarian reasons,

-          employment with a work permit,

-          employment without a work permit, or

-          other justified reasons.


Temporary residence permit may exceptionally be issued on grounds of the real-estate ownership provided that the alien’s effective connection to BiH has been established.


Temporary residence is granted for a period not exceeding one year though may be extended only if the requested extension concerns the same grounds that were applied for initial temporary residence.



Granting temporary residence

Application for approval and extension of temporary residence in BiH is to be submitted to the field office of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs having jurisdiction on the territory of the alien’s registered address of residence. Information on field offices are available on website of the Service for Foreigner’s Affairs:


In the case of temporary residence grounded on employment, the application is to be submitted to the field office of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs having jurisdiction on the territory where the alien is employed.


If abroad, the application for approval or extension of residence is to be submitted through a Diplomatic and Consular Representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Application for the first temporary residence permit is to be filed no later than 15 days before the expiry of a long-term visa (Visa D) or 15 days before the expiry of the visa-free stay.


Application for extension of temporary residence is to be submitted not earlier than 60 days and not later than 15 days before the expiry of the approved stay.


The application is to be submitted in person in the premises of the Service for Foreigners' Affairs or the Diplomatic and Consular Representations of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


Biometric data would be collected from an alien on the occasion of his/her filing an application. Fingerprints are not taken from children under six years of age, whereas the children under 12 are not required to provide a signature.


Administrative fee in amount of 150 BAM is to be charged for the issuance of the temporary residence permit.


Administrative fee in amount of 20 BAM is to be charged for the changes made to a decision on temporary or permanent residence.


Application for approval or extension of temporary residence permit is to be submitted on the Form 10.


Documents supporting an application are to be submitted in original or as its verified copies.


Documents written in a foreign language or script are to be submitted together with their court certified translations to one of languages in the official use in Bosnia and Herzegovina.   


General requirements for granting temporary residence are available here – Article 49 of the Law on Aliens and Article 27 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


Evidence of sufficient means of subsistence


An alien is considered to have a sufficient means of subsistence if he/she submits:


-          a proof of possession of the cash in local or foreign convertible currency, as evidenced by:  an attestation or other document on the bank account balance, issued by the bank; a check or other proof of the amount of his/her pension, work permit, certificate on the amount of personal income from work activity issued by the Employer; an Employment Contract that specifies the amount of income; proof of receiving a scholarships including its amount, or other proof;

-          a written statement of a BiH citizen or an alien holding a residence permit in BiH, obliging him/her to bear all costs during the alien’s intended stay in BiH with proof of permanent source of income or other source of funding;

-          a proof of possession of other resources evidencing that the alien has sufficient means of subsistence, such as immovable property in BiH, based on which it is possible to provide means of subsistence during his/her stay in BiH, as evidenced by a document of ownership of real estate in BiH and proof of gain of assets from that property, or other evidence.


An alien holding a work permit to work in Bosnia and Herzegovina meets the requirements relating to the possession of means of subsistence and health insurance.

Evidence on accommodation provided in BiH


Evidence on provided accommodation is considered to be:


-          Document of ownership including a residential property;

-          a Lease Agreement;

-          a proof of being accommodated in a student dormitory or in a nursing home or in a health facility/institution specialized for persons with special needs or in a health spa;

-          a written statement of the person providing accommodation to be agreeable with the alien’s use of the apartment. The statement is to be accompanied with a proof of ownership over the residential property.


Evidence on health insurance coverage in BiH


Evidence on health insurance coverage is considered to be:


-          a contract on voluntary health insurance; 

-          a work permit;

-          a proof of being accommodated in a nursing home;

-          a travel insurance provided by a competent insurance company that is valid throughout the period of intended stay;

-          a health insurance provided in accordance with international agreements on social care to which BIH is a signatory, accompanied with a certificate of a foreign or domestic Health Insurance Institute on the right to use the health care;

-          a health insurance booklet certified by a competent Health Fund in Bosnia and Herzegovina or other evidence provided through a health care insurance agreement to which Bosnia and Herzegovina is a signatory.




Temporary residence for the purpose of family reunification may be granted to an alien being a close family member of:


a)      a BiH national having residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

b)     an alien granted permanent residence in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

c)      an alien being a Blue Card holder in Bosnia and Herzegovina,

d)     an alien granted temporary residence in BiH for at least a year with good prospects for approval of permanent residence in BiH, or

e)      an alien granted refugee status.   



Close family members refer to:


a)      a spouse or a common law partner of a BiH citizen or an alien holding a residence permit in BiH or a recognized refugee provided that the marriage or common law marriage is legally valid in BiH (pursuant to Article 6 indents l) and m) of the Law on Aliens)


b)      children under 18 years of age or dependent adult children attending regular education until the age of 26, as well as dependant adult children residing in the same household, regardless if born in a marriage or out of marriage, if adopted or stepchildren for as long as they do not start own families. 


c)      dependent parents.

An application for family reunification with a BiH national is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 28 (2) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for family reunification with a spouse is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 28 (3) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for family reunification with a common law partner is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 28 (4) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for family reunification with underaged or dependant adult children is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 28 (5) and (6) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for family reunification of an underaged child with one of the parents is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 28 (7) and (8) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for family reunification with dependant parent(s) is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 28 (9) and (10) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for family reunification with an alien granted refugee status in BiH is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 28 (11) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



Temporary residence grounded on primary and secondary education


An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on regular primary education is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 29 (1) and (3) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on regular secondary education is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 29 (2) and (3) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.

Temporary residence grounded on higher education

An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on regular higher education is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 30 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on unpaid internship is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 31 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on volunteering is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 32 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on humanitarian reasons relating to medical treatment or rehabilitation is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 33 (1) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on humanitarian reasons relating to a stay in nursing home is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 33 (2) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


Temporary residence on humanitarian grounds may be approved to: an alien who has been a victim of human trafficking, to a minor child of an alien (if abandoned or a victim of organized crime or without parental protection or custody or if left unaccompanied for any other reason), to a stateless person, and for other justified humanitarian reasons stipulated by the bylaws of the BiH Council of Ministers issued upon proposal of the BiH Ministry of Security, as well as in cases when an alien co-operates with authorities for the purposes of revealing criminal offenses and their perpetrators, or when an alien is a victim of organized crime and his/her presence in BiH is essential for conducting the court proceedings. For more details, please consult Article 34 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on ownership of immovable property is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 35 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence grounded on work with a work permit is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 36 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence granted for highly qualified employment (the Blue Card) is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 38 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


An application for approval or extension of temporary residence granted for redeployment within a legal entity is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 39 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence granted for a scientific research is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 40 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


The list of scientific and research organisations in BiH can be found on: (section titled Organisational StructureScience and Culture SectorNews).




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of aliens being founders of a company is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 41 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of experts, professors and lecturers is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 42 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of civil, police or military officials is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 43 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of members of international scientific missions is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 44 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of representatives of religious communities is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 45 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of foreign correspondents accredited in BiH or foreign media reporters is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 46 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of aliens conducting activities relating to the defence, legal system, state security or undergoing a professional development in the field based on an Agreement signed with the BiH Council of Ministers, the BiH Ministry of Defence, the BiH Ministry of Justice or the BiH Ministry of Security is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 47 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.




An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of aliens engaged on projects of significance for BiH is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 48 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



An application for approval or extension of temporary residence of aliens residing in BiH under an international agreement to which BiH is a signatory is to be supported with evidence stemming from Article 49 of the Law on Aliens, as well as Article 27 and Article 49 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



Conditions for the employment without a work permit with certification of employment registration can be found in Article 50 through 71 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


Administrative fee in amount of 100 BAM is to be charged for issuance of a certificate of employment registration.



Temporary residence grounded on other justified reasons may be granted to an alien:


-          being immediate family member of an alien enjoying the privileges and immunity stemming from international law, provided that the alien personally does not enjoy the same privileges and immunity, including the dependant adult children being unmarried,


-          arriving to BiH for the purpose of non-paid professional specialization, training or internship in diplomatic mission/consular office accredited in BiH or institution in BiH or international organisation, or


-          other justified reasons.


Requirements for approval of temporary residence resting on other justified reasons are settled under Article 72 of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.



Permanent residence may be granted to an alien having uninterrupted residence in BiH for at least five years prior to applying for permanent residence.


In the context of the five-year period, it is considered that an alien uninterruptedly resides in BiH even if he/she had repetitively left BiH for up to 10 months in total or up to six months on a single occasion.


Continuity of residence also exists in case when an alien disrupts continuity between approved temporary residences within past five years owing to a change of grounds of residence or humanitarian reasons (such is the case with natural and other disasters, grave illness or death of immediate family member). Such claims are evaluated on the case-by-case basis and depend of submitted evidence.


It is considered that a Blue Card holder uninterruptedly resides in BiH even if he/she had repetitively left BiH for up to 18 months in total or up to 12 months on a single occasion within period of five years of granted temporary residence.


Types of residence not providing a ground for permanent residence are stipulated under Article 80 of the Law on Aliens.


An application for permanent residence is to be supported with evidence defined in Article 73 (1) of the Rulebook on Entry and Stay of Aliens.


The documents enclosed to an application are to be submitted in original or its verified copies.


The documents written in a foreign language or script are to be submitted together with their court certified translations to one of languages in the official use in Bosnia and Herzegovina.   


The application for permanent residence is to be submitted to the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs. If applied from abroad, the application is to be submitted through a Diplomatic and Consular Representation of Bosnia and Herzegovina.


The application is to be submitted in person. If an applicant is lacking legal capacity, the application is to be submitted by his/her legal representative.


At the time of submission and decision-making upon an application for permanent residence permit, it is essential that the alien is already granted temporary residence in BiH.


The application for temporary residence in BiH is to be submitted on the Form 11.

An administrative fee in amount of 200 BAM is to be charged for issuance of permanent residence.




An alien granted temporary residence is to register his/her residence and every subsequent change of address within 48 hours from the date of received decision on approved residence or from the date of arrival to the place of residence/new address (depending of what is applicable).


An alien granted permanent residence is to register his/her residence and every subsequent change of residence within eight days from the day of received decision on approved permanent residence or from the day of arrival to the place of residence/changed address (depending what is applicable).


Legal and physical entities that provide the accommodation services (hotels, hostels, etc.) are to register the residence of aliens within 12 hours from provided accommodation.


An alien not using the services of legal and physical entities that provide accommodation (hotels, hostels, etc.) who intends to stay in BiH over three days is to register the stay in BiH within 48 hours from his/her entry to BiH.


An alien visiting a physical entity in BiH for a period exceeding three days is to be registered by that particular entity within 48 hours from his/her entry to BiH.


Registrations and de-registrations are to be submitted to the competent field offices of the Service for Foreigners’ Affairs or to the Police.


An applicant is obliged to provide accurate and truthful information, as well as to make available his/her travel document that was used for the entry to BiH and to evidence secured accommodation in BiH.


Administrative fee in amount of 10 BAM is to be charged for registration of residence before the Service for Foreigners Affairs and the Police.


Details on required documents for approval of residence can be found on: